About Us

What we Do

Your Gateway to US Courses and Bachelor Degree Programs

Helping to change the world better

For more than two decades, our consultants have designed professional study paths that match your financial requirements and personal time commitments. You have the option of studying off-campus via distance learning or on-campus in the United States, Canada, and/or in your home country. Regardless of the option chosen, the qualifications and degrees are identical, whether earned on-campus or off-campus via online distance learning. We offer an exceptional range of programs and services with hundreds of recognized universities. Whether you are studying to gain admission into a university, to bridge into a program, or to obtain a degree, we have the right choices for you.

Contact us to Explore your Academic and Career options

Citikids LMS

Citikids Learning Management System for students, teachers, and parents.  

Access to Citikids LMS

Holodec Academy

Attend self-paced learning via ORIS: Online Resources and Instructional System.   

Access to ORIS