Your American Degree Study Path Program

Your American Degree Study Path

Our American Degree Study Path is a program that allows students to study the first part of the American Bachelor's Degree Program coordinated with academic logistics support by Citikids International Academy in their home country. Students, typically spend 18 to a maximum of 24 months in their home country to complete the Associate Degree program before transferring to any university of their choice in America for the Bachelor's Degree Program. 

Why You Should Consider American Degree Programs

  • From the start of the Associate Degree, you may choose your area of study.  The area of study includes Allied Health, Business, Computer Science, Engineering Technology, Liberal Arts, Medicine, and many more.   
  • Upon completion of the Associate Degree, you can transfer to any university of your choice in America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and any English Language medium university in the world.  
  • An education system with less emphasis on examinations and more opportunities to be graded and assessed on assignments, coursework, field experience, projects, and presentations. 
  • All Regionally Accredited American Degrees are Internationally Recognized!  American degree programs range from; Associate to Bachelor to Master's and finally to Doctorate Degrees.  These qualifications can all be applied for academic progressions, career advancements, and global migration purposes.  

Features and Benefits of Our American Degree Study Path Program

  • Direct Entry after Secondary Certification.  Minimum credit passes in any 5 subjects including the English Language.   Secondary certification includes IB, UEC, IGCSE/GCE ‘O’ levels, 高考, and its equivalent. 
  • A broad-based and flexible curriculum.  Besides studying subjects related to the major, students also need to study subjects outside the major,  the focus is on giving students a broad base foundation to better prepare them for multidisciplinary studies from the bachelor's degree onward.  
  • Progressive learning and continuous assessment methodology and not an examination-based system.  Strong focus on developing critical thinking with presentation and communication skills in the application of the concepts. 
  • Our American Degree Study Path Program is a true-blue American Degree Program that is affordable and cost-effective.  All courses are directly offered by American institutions.  It is an Internationally Recognized American Qualification directly from Accredited American Institutions.   

Areas of Studies from Associate Degree to Bachelor's Degree Programs

  • Allied Health such as Psychology, Nursing, Exercise Science, Health Information Management, Mortuary Science, Nutrition and Health, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Radiography Technology, Pharmacy, and more.  
  • Business such as Accounting, Economics and Finance, Management, Marketing, and more.  
  • Computing and Technology such as Actuarial Science, Architecture, Architecture Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Engineering Technology, and more.   
  • Pre-Medicine such as Dentistry, Medicine, and Veterinary.  

Affordability of Our Customized American Degree Study Path Program

Costs of undergraduate degrees in America vary widely between institutions and can be quite high for international students. The fees below reflect the average cost of tuition fees per year for undergraduate international students studying in the USA. 

Budget analysis is based on public universities’ tuition costs per year. 

  • With our customized American degree study path program, completing an associate degree program in your home country directly from an American institution is approximately USD19,200 within 2 years compared to USD50,000 if taken in an American institution on-campus. 
  • Our customized American degree study path program provides a cost saving of approximately 30.80% or USD30,800. 
  • With a budget of USD68,200 for your overseas American degree program, it is sufficient to fund the completion of your on-campus Bachelor’s degree in America at most universities.